About us

Welcome to SY Ecofit, a local social enterprise dedicated to making South Yorkshire’s homes more comfortable and energy efficient, whilst helping meet our Net Zero target.

‘Retrofit’ means making improvements to homes so they are more energy efficient, with lower bills and emissions. We aim to accelerate retrofit in South Yorkshire by:

  • Taking the hassle out of making homes more energy efficient and comfortable, by supporting homeowners through the process

  • Increasing collaboration between local retrofit providers so more work stays in South Yorkshire

  • Working with training providers to build retrofit skills

  • Working with housing associations to tackle fuel poverty

Why is this important?

The UK has the least energy efficient homes in Europe. Our homes use 35% of the UK’s energy and emit 20% of our carbon dioxide emissions. Fuel poverty levels in South Yorkshire are among the highest in the UK, and 60% of houses have an Energy Performance Certificate rating below C. Much of South Yorkshire’s housing is old, so improving the energy efficiency of existing housing is key.

SY Ecofit was founded by local residents with diverse skills to offer integrated, high-quality retrofit services. We are collaborating with homeowners, community groups, housing associations, and tradespeople to refine our service, which covers:

  • Advice: Increasing awareness of retrofit and energy efficiency options.

  • Assessment: Providing detailed energy efficiency and retrofit assessments.

  • Planning: Developing retrofit plans bespoke for individual houses and households.

  • Delivery: Executing high-quality retrofit improvement works.

  • Evaluation: Continuous learning and improvement for lasting impact.